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What Are Chakras??
What are the chakras? To understand their nature, it might be helpful to envision the physical body with two other bodies encompassing it. These other bodies are not physical, they are nonphysical. They are ephemeral bodies, which are highly ordered spiritual extensions of the human body. They are called, (The Astral Body) and (The Causal Body.) The physical body could not survive without them. They are each embedded in the other. The ephemeral bodies exist in a dimensional realm which lays just adjacent to our three dimensional reality.

It is mind expanding to imagine what the ancient yoga seers must have witnessed as they pierced through the dimensional veils to examine the astral body. They report to have seen, energy circulating through the astral bodies system in patterns that corresponds to the physical bodies own circulator system. This energy moved along prescribed paths or routes creating a myriad of energy vortexes throughout the body. When they saw this energy moving up into the area in the astral body which corresponded to the spine the energy would pass into definite chambers or centers where the energy swirled and speeded up. These centers or vortexes were distributed all along the spine and within these centers stellar energies were observed, these energies moved about in cascades of light and sound and were a wonder to behold. There were six centers along the spine and a seventh at the crown of the head. As energy passes through these centers, it is charged and refocused. They called these centers Ckakras.

Funnels of light energy and rainbows of color circulate like blood throughout the astral body. This substance or current which is circulating is the underlying animating energy of life itself. They called this substance Prana. Prana is the spiritual catalytic force that is within all material things . Prana is within all three bodies, Prana is in all physical things, but is not physically manifest. The circulation of Pranic energy in the astral body, is achieved via channels or tubes, which are called Nadis. Each chakra contains a definite number of Nadis, and these Nadis posses tone or vibration. The Chakra chambers activate and circulate pranic energy. Each Chakra center is uniquely designed to transport energy through the focus of its own particular prism. Each Chakra governs a different portion of the body, and the psyche, and so creates the physical body itself. The movement of Prana is central to all the practices of yoga. Prana is the vital link between the Astral Body and the Physical Body.

The physical body, is also made up of sound and light, appearing in this three dimensional reality, as skin, blood and bones. Like the astral body the physical body circulates its own energy through a system of nerves and ganglia. The six Chakras correspond to the nerve plexus along the spine. At the base of the spine is (Muladhara) which corresponds to the (Sacral Plexus). Next is (Swadhisthana) which corresponds to the (Prostatic Plexus). (Manipura,) the third chakra, corresponds to the (Solar Plexus). (Anahata,) the fourth chakra, is located in the heart region, and corresponds to the (Cardiac Plexus). (Vishuddha,)the fifth chakra, is in the throat region, and corresponds to the (Laryngeal Plexus). (Ajna,) the sixth chakra, is located between the eyebrows, and corresponds to the (Cavernous Plexus). (Sahasrara,) is the seventh chakra, is located on the crown of the head, and corresponds to the (Pineal Gland.)

Prana or vital life energy is primarily absorbed by the breathing of air, it is also in the food we eat, and the water we drink. Our mind can also produce pranic energy by using its imagination, controlled emotions, and intelligence.

Meditating on the chakras is a powerful means of increasing pranic energy . Meditating on the individual chakra centers charges the body with energy. You will then be flooded with extra pranic energy, as you meditate on the succession of Chakras Centers, located along your spinal column.

Prana exists as both as positive and negative energy, known as (Apana). Prana by its own nature wishes to ascend. It is therefore a natural process for Prana to rise up through the chakras. You can accelerate this process and help to reinforce it, by meditating on the Chakra Centers. Chakra meditations are felt both mentally and physically. In deeper forms of Chakra meditation, the serpent energy, which lays coiled at the base of the spine, located in the (Chakra Muladhara,) may be awakened, and made to ascends through the upper chakras. As this energy enters into the 7 chakra centers, it is altered through the chakras own particular velocities and patterns. Once you get to the seventh chakra it may become very intense. The seventh chakra contains one thousand nadis and is a furry of energy, a crescendo of light and sound. The environment within this last chakra is the most energetic, the most fantastic. The components of the seventh chakra, can in fact, launch normal consciousness out into other dimensions of reality altogether, out to levels of existence which exist beyond time and space. This stage of meditation is difficult and remote,and there are many steps necessary before this final stage of Chakra Meditation may be experienced or understood.

Laya Yoga studies Chakras specifically, and if your interested in phenomenon of Chakras, then it might be a Yoga tradition you would enjoy studying.

Chakra Meditation
The 7 types of Chakras
